You can follow up all customs operations done by us via e-service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by using the user account information provided to you. Import, export declaration and job follow up information can be accessed from our e-service page, as well as reports on the current account statement and customs operations.
OZEN e-service system, with the password given to the persons to whom the signing authority of the firm will appoint,
Accounting documents and foreign trade transactions can follow,
- Beyanname ve cari hesaplarını görebildiği,
You can see declarations and current accounts, It is a system that works on Internet where it can download various reports.
You can find out your account information at any time during the 24 hours a day, and you can get your paper delivery information online without needing us.
The e-service system consists of convenient and easy-to-use screens from the start to the customs procedure. Relevant departments can easily follow the customs procedures from the relevant screens and can perform transactions in accordance with the authorities
In this respect, the firm for customs clearance; By providing significant time and cost advantages from telephone, fax, unnecessary document traffic, it is easy to access the correct information on the internet in a short time. Your e-service page can be accessed at ozengumruk.com.
With our business tracking system, all processes for import and export operations are notified to you as quickly as possible. Thanks to this system, you can be notified of the momentary developments of your files by e-mailing them to you.