Customs Code, Customs Regulation, Product Safety and Control, Unfair Competition, Import Safeguard Measures and Surveillance Practices, Anti-Smuggling etc. legislation procedures are constantly changing and updated. Our legislation department reports these changes to our customers in the best and the fastest manner, and organizes training and seminars on comprehensive changes. By means of the e-mail; legislative amendments published in the Official Gazette via circulars containing the legislative amendments of the customs, foreign trade, agriculture, health and similar institutions are sent to our customers.
Our services within this context include:
Determining the Customs Tariff Statistics Position of the imported or exported good, AUTHORIZED LIABLE STATUS (ALS); Approved Person Status Document (OKSB) Binding Tariff Information (BTB) extraction, obtaining tariff information for chemicals except from Binding Tariff Information, Accredited Liabilities and by guiding the requests made under the Customs Conciliation Regulation opinions and suggestions, in case of authorization by the company for reconciliation participate in the meeting and the signing of the reconciliation report,
Audit personnel of the Ministry of Customs and Trade, Post Process Control and Risk Control Regulations of our customers report opposing views on issues identified in the Assessment Report issued by the imports subject to audit to be conducted in the workplace,
To provide answers and solutions to the questions and problems of our customers on customs and foreign trade issues for international good trade.
Our customers accrue additional welded formed itilafl from customs duties relating to the customs authorities and perform administrative appeal procedure provided for in the customs legislation against the fine, the case to be decided customer against the objections, to provide consulting services for prosecutions in ADMINISTRATIVE JUSTICE to cancel the administrative process,
To answer the question of our customers on foreign trade in accordance with legal regulations; to determine the data on solution of problems that may occur and to help removal of the problem in the shortest time possible.